The sequel to the 2003 movie based on Mike Mignola's Dark Horse comic character. Ron Perlman returns to the title role as Hellboy, a humanoid creature born in the flames of Hell and brought to Earth as an infant. Raised in secret, the adolescent "HB" becomes an agent for the secret Bureau for Paranormal Research and Development (BPRD), a covert government agency which serves as the planet's line of defense against otherworldly evil. Selma Blair will also reprise the role of Liz Sherman, a pyrokinetic human who is HB's colleague and love interest. "Hellboy 2" will expand the world of Hellboy and surround him with characters both new and familiar as he confronts a deadly threat to mankind.
I Adore This Photo
I really adore this picture. Wow how time goes by so quickly! I love being
able to have such special pictures like this one to capture such incredible
12 years ago
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