"Dragonball is adapted from the manga created by Akira Toriyama; the work was also turned into a Japanese anime series that played all over the world. It tells the story of an alien sent to destroy Earth, who has a change of heart and decides to join the humans in their fight against various aliens and bad guys. Justin Chatwin is starring as the hero Goku, while James Marsters will play the villain Piccolo in the sci-fi adventure.
ハリス's comment : Its a great movie for the kids but the dragon ball diehard fans will be dissipointed with the movie am giving it a good 7 out of 10 cause of the movie is quite short .
staring :Justin Chatwin, James Marsters, Jamie Chung, Emmy Rossum, Eriko Tamura, Joon Park, Chow Yun-Fat, Texas Battle, Ernie Hudson
I Adore This Photo
I really adore this picture. Wow how time goes by so quickly! I love being
able to have such special pictures like this one to capture such incredible
12 years ago
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